Good teaching is a necessary requirement. However, even great teaching is not a substitute for the absence or deficiency of research in annual evaluations, contract renewals and promotions.

The syllabi, student evaluations, attendance level to classes taught, student oral communications and the review of the teaching dossiers constitute the bases of the teaching evaluation. Student academic advising is also included in this category. Assessment of performance in this area is one of the most difficult and the value of the student evaluations has its margins of reliability. A multitude of reasons such as class size, type of course, such as required or area elective courses, elective and core courses, as well as the intrinsic nature of the topical content introduce a wide range in the student evaluations in well taught or less well taught courses. Nevertheless, sensitivity to the student comments, asking advice of colleagues or even requesting observance in their classes and sincere self-assessment are possible ways for improvement in teaching. Koç University Center for Learning & Teaching (KOLT) also provides substantial resources and help for faculty members to self-assess and to improve their teaching.

Participation in student activities, serving as adviser to student clubs, etc., are important in facilitating personal development of the students and in contributing to the broadly defined educational mission of the University. Similarly, leadership in curricula or program development, sharing of teaching experiences, etc., are considered very important contributions to the University.