The promotions of Academic & Research Faculty, or the Professoriate are based on scholarly work and teaching. The guidelines used for annual evaluations and those for contract renewals still prevail. In effect, the evaluation for promotions is the cumulative output of the annual and renewal evaluations. There exists, however, an important difference in philosophy about the nature of the promotions with the annual and contract renewal evaluations. While quality is sought at the preceding levels, international recognition as a scholar is a mandatory component for promotions. For the rank of Associate Professor, the applicant must demonstrate an individual research agenda that has also led to significant output as recognized by international peers. This research agenda must establish the ability of the applicant to conduct scholarly work independently as well. For promotions to the rank of Professor, the applicant must show maturity and expertise in a broad enough field accompanied by international recognition. As opposed to the annual evaluation, which assesses the achievements of the faculty member within the report period, the evaluation for promotion judges the scholarship of the individual.

The promotion process for Assistant Professors to the rank of Associate Professor is expected to be initiated before the end of the second contract as an Assistant Professor. Considering the time to receive external letters, the promotion process should start typically 6 months before the 6th year of their appointment as an Assistant Professor (for contract terms that start on September 1, the process should start in February of the previous year).

Associate Professors are also expected to initiate the promotion process to the rank of Professor before the second contract renewal evaluation as an Associate Professor, typically 6 months before the start of their 9th year as their appointment as Associate Professor.