a) Performance Matrix for Professoriate


Outstanding Above Expectations Meets Expectations Successfully Below Expectations Unsatisfactory
RESEARCH Outstanding O O or AE AE or MES MES or BE BE or U
Above Expectations O or AE AE AE or MES MES or BE BE or U
Meets Expectations Successfully AE or MES AE or MES MES MES or BE BE or U
Below Expectations MES or BE MES or BE MES or BE BE BE or U
Unsatisfactory BE or U BE or U BE or U BE or U U

b) Performance Matrix for Full-Time Instructors and Lecturers


Outstanding Above Expectations Meets Expectations Successfully Below Expectations Unsatisfactory
RESEARCH Outstanding O O or AE AE AE or MES BE or U
Above Expectations O or AE AE AE or MES MES BE or U
Meets Expectations Successfully AE or MES MES MES MES or BE BE or U
Below Expectations BE BE BE BE BE or U
Unsatisfactory U U U U U

c) Performance Matrix for Researchers


Outstanding Above Expectations Meets Expectations Successfully Below Expectations Unsatisfactory
RESEARCH Outstanding O O or AE AE AE or MES MES or BE
Above Expectations AE AE AE or MES MES MES or BE
Meets Expectations Successfully MES MES MES MES or BE BE or U
Below Expectations BE BE BE BE BE or U
Unsatisfactory U U U U U

O: Outstanding
AE: Above Expectations
MES: Meets Expectations Successfully
BE: Below Expectations
U: Unsatisfactory


Annual evaluation policy regarding performance matrix, timelines and guidelines are solely recommended and may be subject to changes and adjustments if necessary.