iThenticate – For Researchers / Faculty members

iThenticate is a Plagiarism Detection Software which helps users ensuring content originality for faculty research, faculty-authored articles or textbooks, grant proposals, supplemental course materials and dissertations and theses.

It’s control database consists of academic databases, academic journals and publications and 17+ billion web pages.

  • Quickly upload, check, and review documents.
  • Create a private, custom database for your organization to check future papers against previously published work.
  • First time users will receive an email with a username and a onetime password. You may only log in once with the one-time password and you will need to change it the first time you log in.

Turnitin – For students

Turnitin is an Internet-based plagiarism detection service that promotes academic integrity, streamline grading and feedback, deter plagiarism, and improves student outcomes.

It can be used as a tool to teach students how to work with sources. Turnitin Feedback Studio also includes tools for peer review, automated spelling and grammar review, document annotation and feedback, and grading of student submissions.  Faculty members can also upload and check documents.

A Turnitin Similarity Report indicates overlap between the text of the submitted paper and other materials in the Turnitin database. The report indicates the percentage of overlapping material in the paper, as well as specific matching passages.