Majority of Koç University undergraduate students are admitted via a national placement exam called Higher Education Institutions Exam (YKS) and automatically placed into national Universities based on their scores and preference list by the Measuring, Selection and Placement Center (ÖSYM). Detailed information on past years’ exam performance, student admissions and other rules and regulations related to admissions via the national placement exam can be found at, only available in Turkish.

The University also admits international and transfer students annually. Candidates apply via an on-line admissions system where candidates submit academic and extracurricular information and are evaluated by relevant Committees based on their achievements. Each year, the University also accepts Special students who are university-level students or graduates that take undergraduate or graduate level courses. They do not receive a degree from Koç University, however they can request a transcript for the courses they take. Detailed information about the international, transfer and special student application and admission processes can be found at this link.

Koç University also accepts incoming exchange students (both undergraduate and graduate) during Fall, Spring or Summer semesters that are managed through the Office of International Programs (OIP). Similarly, Koç University students can benefit from outgoing exchange programs during their undergraduate careers. Detailed information regarding these programs are available at OIP’s website.