The Academic Council is the academic body of the University and has the power to lay down proper procedures for teaching, research and examination and to regulate and promote the academic life of the University and Affiliated Colleges.

The principal functions of the council are to determine general academic policies and regulations of the University; to approve major changes in the requirements for admission to and graduation from the Colleges and Schools and in the academic programs offered by Colleges, Schools, and Departments; to authorize the establishment, modification, or discontinuance of any academic organization or degree program of the University; and to provide for review, amendment, and final interpretation of the academic articles. The decisions of the council are by majority vote.

The Academic Council has the powers:

  • Advise the Colleges on academic matters
  • Regulate teaching, research and examinations
  • Recognize the examinations of other universities or examining bodies as
    equivalent to the corresponding examinations of the University
  • Appoint members to the Committees on academic matters
  • Determine members of the University Executive Council
  • Determine and approve the Academic Calendar, and academic plans
  • Consider academic matters as may be referred to it by Faculty Councils, such as curriculum changes or new course proposals
  • Propose or make changes to the academic procedures


The Academic Council is comprised of:

  • the President, who chairs the meetings
  • 1 elected representative from each College/School
  • the Vice Presidents, where appointed
  • the Deans of the Colleges and Schools
  • the Institute Directors

The Associate Deans attend the Academic Council sessions without voting rights. Student Council representative may attend meetings of the Academic Council, with the right to make proposals, but without voting right.