Centrally located on campus, the Suna Kıraç Library has an exemplary collection of books, journals, newspapers, electronic resources, and materials in other media. Coverage is international in scope and comprehensive in subject matter. The Library serves as information commons for Koç University community on a 24/7 basis. The Library houses over 260.000 print volumes and provides access to 189.000, http://digitalcollections.library.ku.edu.tr/cdm/. A wide range of services are offered for users including technology lending, advance room reservation and on-to-one research support. With a solid purpose to support and advance research, Koç University Scholarly Community is supported by branch libraries.
Get to Know Your Liaison Librarians
Liaison librarians are the primary link between academic departments and the library. They support faculty and students through the research life cycle by exhibiting best practices in information literacy, scholarly communication, data reference, and collection development.
Purchase Request/Collection Development
Faculty are welcome to suggest books, periodicals (magazines, newspapers, academic/scholarly journals, etc.), databases, films, music and other materials for purchase. It is sufficient to send the relevant information to the respective Liaison Librarian or to fill out the online request form.
Document delivery
If an item – print or electronic – cannot be found in the collections of the Koç University library system, it may be retrieved via the Document Delivery Services (DDS), from the collections of other university libraries.
Liaison librarians can work with faculty members and instructors to include library instruction in their classes. Classes can be held in the library or in the classroom, can be one-time or multiple sessions, and the time length is flexible based on students’ needs. Based on specific needs, the following information can be shared:
For available courses, please visit https://ku.libcal.com/calendar/instructions
Course Reserves
The Library Reserve system provides access to course materials (sample exams, syllabi, problem sets, reading packages, lecture notes, etc.) written or selected by faculty as required textbooks. These materials are housed at the reserve desk of the Suna Kıraç Library and online when available through an electronic reserve system (electronic reserves use the PDF file format).
Subject Guides you contain brief yet focused information on recommended resources of various subject areas. These resources can include books, journals, periodicals, web resources, databases, as well as learning tools, whether in the form of online tutorials or instructional sessions offered by the Library. http://libguides.ku.edu.tr/?b=s
Off Campus Access
Off-campus access to the Library’s licensed resources is restricted to current students, employees, and faculty with KUNetIDs. This should be the only major restriction to linking directly to licensed resources. Some electronic resources and Library services cannot be reached from outside the campus. In that case, a VPN connection should be used.
Open Access
Open access (OA) refers to freely available, digital, online information. Open access scholarly literature is free of charge and often carries less restrictive copyright and licensing barriers than traditionally published works, for both the users and the authors.
Institutional repository
The KU Institutional Repository maintained by the Library is an open access publication platform and search interface for the scientific output of KU academic and research staff and graduate students. It can house open-access articles, conference proceedings, theses, working papers, technical reports, and other types of research data.
“Predatory” Publishers
“Predatory” publishers use deceptive practices to lure authors to publish with them. They exploit the open access author-pays business model for their own profit and conduct little or no peer review or editing work. Unfamiliar publishers should be carefully assessed before submitting any work. Before deciding to publish in an OA journal, the following criteria should be considered: https://thinkchecksubmit.org/ or Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
and colleagues may be asked for opinions. The relevant Liaison Librarian may also be able to provide advice. For detailed information, the library Predatory Open Access Publishing Guide may be visited: http://libguides.ku.edu.tr/PredatoryPublishing
Research Impact
Research Impact can be described as the reach and influence of a scholar’s work. Assessment of research impact looks for answers to questions such as “How many scholars have continued the conversation by citing your articles?” or “What kinds of outcomes has your research led to?”
Research impact can be measured and managed in different ways:
Author Impact: Traditionally measured using the number of times academic publications are cited by other researchers. Most widely used metrics are h-index, citation count and publication count.
Journal Impact: These measurements reflect the importance of a particular journal in a field and take into account the number of articles published per year and the number of citations to articles published in that journal. Most widely used metrics are Journal Citation Reports (JCR) based on Web of Science data and CiteScore based on Scopus date. SCImago is the third widely accepted metric.
Citation Analysis: Library staff can help with the creation of citation reports based on Web of Science, Scopus, Google Scholar. SciVal can also be used to analyze research impact. Altmetrics (Alternative metrics) can be defined as “the study and use of scholarly impact measures based on activity in online tools and environments”. It is an emerging area complementing traditional bibliometric measures. Altmetrics takes into account non-citation based metrics such as Number of times an article has been viewed or downloaded from a journal website, or database, number of times an article has been exported to a citation
manager, number of times an article has been emailed or shared on social media, as well as mentions. Widely accepted metrics are PlumX, Altmetrics.com and ImpactStory.
Please visit the Library Research Impact Guide for more information:
An ORCID ID is a unique, persistent sixteen-digit number (e.g. 0000-0001-2345-6789) assigned to an individual researcher. This ID is meant to solve the name ambiguity and researcher identification problems and allows to create a profile that connects all publications, articles, datasets, and other scholarly outputs with this unique ID. ORCID is not limited by discipline or by geographic region or to any proprietary publisher or information provider. Major publishers, funders and research institutions have been adopting this international standard to support improved data exchange between scholarly search platforms and information systems. This ID can also be associated with ResearcherID and Scopus ID.
Koç University requires faculty members to obtain their ORCID ID and to affiliate their profile with Koç University. Koç University is considering the automation of reporting new publications in the Faculty Annual Report on KUFIS. Furthermore, the Council of Higher Education of Türkiye (YÖK) is also working on a similar integration process on YÖKSİS. ORCID registration guide is available at https://libguides.ku.edu.tr/orcid
Turnitin and Ithenticate:
Turnitin helps avoid plagiarism by checking for citation mistakes or inappropriate copying by comparing it to a massive database of student papers and academic publication. An account can be created by sending an email to turnitin@ku.edu.tr with your @ku.edu.tr account.
iThenticate is the anti-plagiarism software that is currently used by KU, and it claims to be the “world’s largest comparison of scholarly and professional content.” This software is an optional tool now made available for KU faculty to check their own draft proposals and manuscripts prior to submission, to guard against potential future claims of plagiarism or self-plagiarism. According to the license agreement; users wishing to use the iThenticate system should have minimum Doctoral degree. An account can be created by sending an email to ithenticate@ku.edu.tr with your @ku.edu.tr account.
Citation Management Tools
Citation management tools can help with collecting, organizing, storing, sharing, and formatting citations. There are many different citation management tools, and each has different features. A few of the most popular tools include RefWorks, Mendeley, Zotero, Endnote, and Papers. Suna Kıraç Library officially licenses and supports EndNote and Mendeley for all Koç University students, faculty, and staff.
Survey Design Software (Qualtrics)
Qualtrics is a tool for creating and analyzing web-based surveys for research, teaching, and administrative needs. Qualtrics is available to Faculty, staff and students as part of a university-wide license. Stand-alone and/or course-integrated workshops and one-on-one consultations for faculty, staff, research groups, and students are provided by the Library by request.
Library Contact Information
(0212) 338 13 17- 338 13 18